Friday, October 15, 2010

#Amplify made me discover #soulblogging ...

Well after reading a post last night, some interesting ideas came to my mind, and it's more a question than an actual thought...

'Why do people blog ?' , and I think there are 2 main reasons, pro blogging and let's call it soul blogging.

Well, since I am quite new to this scene and most of you guys are social media pros and are in this landscape for some time, you know what pro blogging is, blogging for revenue , profit. In the case of pro bloggers I think there are also 2 categories, the real bloggers, people who actually write great articles do some inspiring work, giving internet a whole new meaning and giving social media a good name. On the other hand, there are the #wannabe pro bloggers, I mean the people that just want to make profit, and just search and create content only for the trends, they usually don`t really care, they don`t approve or care about the things they write, they just write in order to get traffic, abusing ad sense and a lot of other ad campaigns, which I think gives social media and blogging a bad name, now for real, how many times did you end up on a blog that had as many ads that you could not tell where is the actual content ?

On the other hand there are #soulbloggers, the people who created a blog to share their ideas, thoughts, and content found on the internet... And I think that these people deserve the credit, I mean, as I said earlier, I`m new to blogging, and I`m not even sure that I can call what I am doing #blogging, but I tend to think so ... Back to my point, I started blogging because of #amplify, thanks to the #firefox #extension of #clipmarks, which I discovered first, and after amplify, I started using amplify for the bookmarklet, which I found very interesting, because it was a simple way to share content with my friends that did not include a lot of copy paste and formating, I admit in the beginning the max length of the text was annoying, but later that changed and amping got a lot easier, after some time, thanks to @svartling I started to integrate and discover the great things about this community...

I can say that amplify turned me from a regular internet guy in to a soul blogger, because now, when I see something interesting, first thought that comes to my mind is "I have to amp this", let me see what the people has to say about it... And every time I get a comment or recommend, or a new follower, I get this warm fuzzy feeling, a joyful state, I think this is what they call the "joy of sharing", and I think I owe this to @egoldstein for creating this service that is about the people in it and the connections (because in some cases this is more than "network") they develop... because I am sure that if I would have started with an other service, I would have given up already ...

And this was about me, and how I discovered the "blogger" in me, I would love to hear how you started, what made you do it and what drives you in to writing another post, sharing another clip ...

Also, if you have some tips, tricks, any kind of constructive criticism about my articles and what I am doing, please feel free to #share them, because, as I mentioned earlier I am just at the begging of discovering what blogging and online communitys driven by shared interests are about ...

Disclaimer: Sorry for any miss spelling or other types of mistakes but I`m only at half of my cup of coffee and still sleepy, but I had to write this now, didn`t feel like I could delay it... so now I`m hoping for some feedback ...


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