Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The #iPhone – If Bill Gates Had Created It

I know, kinda wacky #idea, but still it is a nice concept, something like an iPhone pro, to be frank I like the qwerty keyboard idea on the iPhone :)
Amplify’d from www.bitrebels.com
The iPhone – If Bill Gates Had Created It
What if the roles would have been reversed? What if Bill Gates would have gotten Steve Jobs’ role and vice versa? What would the iPhone have looked like then? These are questions that we can never get the answer to… or can we?
So, do you think this interesting concept would have had a chance in today’s technology enriched environment or is it just too old school and dated? Would you want your iPhone to flip open to reveal a small qwerty keyboard on which you could type your messages just like you did on your Nokia phone? If I had to answer, I would make the world know with an echoing “NO”. I want my iPhone to be my iPhone, if you know what I mean. However, Olivier is a master of bringing unknown territories to life and for letting us know that we’re on the right path after all…
See more at www.bitrebels.com


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