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This is a good question, and is also a pretty big problem, just take a minute and give it a thought, there are to big problems regarding thi...
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By AN Jay on February 24, 2011 10 Most Insightful Infographics About Internet Smashing Apps has been featured at Wordpress Showcase. If ...
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You are a bigoted, chauvinist pig!.. oh wait, this ad is from 1950 Disclaimer: Please note that the views and opinions expressed in these v...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0

Dear Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Football 5.0, HuntingAndFishing 7.5, and Racing 3.6. I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my favorite applications. I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0. Please help!Thanks ...Troubled User
REPLY:Dear Troubled User:
This is a very common problem. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to uninstall, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed not to allow this. Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under Warnings-Alimony-Child Support. I recommend that you keep Wife 1.0 installed and work on improving the configuration. I suggest installing the background application YesDear 99.0 to alleviate software augmentation.The best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because ultimately you will have to do this before the system will return to normal anyway.
Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as CleanAndSweep 3.0, CookIt 1.5 and DoBills 4.2. However, be very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to launch the program NagNag 9.5. Once this happens, the only way to improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0, but beware because sometimes these applications can be expensive.
WARNING!!! DO NOT, under any circumstances, install SecretaryWithShortSkirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system.
WARNING!!! Attempting to install NewGirlFriend 8.8 along with Wife 1.0 will crash the system.
(see Wife 1.0 manual, Apologize, High Maintenance & Secretary with Short Skirt)
This is just hilarious :), I mean really, this is a very funny way to put it :)
DOGHOUSE | Job Interview alternative

Monday, January 24, 2011
Another iPhone worm - and this time it's malicious

So, if you have a #jailbroken #iPhone, you should go read the whole article...
Amplify’d from
Another iPhone worm - and this time it's malicious
I had guessed we would see a dangerous incarnation of worm for the iPhone within a week of the 5 Euro scam that Graham blogged about on November 3rd. Fortunately my predictions were wrong, and we made it almost 3 weeks before someone succumbed to the temptation to take advantage of the vulnerability in jailbroken iPhones.
Read more at nakedsecurity.sophos.comThis worm, like the others, only attacks jailbroken iPhone and iPod Touch devices. There are some significant differences from the 5 Euro scam, the most notable of which is that this worm uses command-and-control like a traditional PC botnet. It configures two startup scripts, one to execute the worm on boot-up, and the other to create a connection to a Lithuanian server (HTTP) to upload stolen data and cede control to the bot master.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Why do we play video games ? | Dat Dracu`

well this is an "article", actually a collection of content that I found about video games, and what actually draws us to them, why do we play them and the science that goes behind them ... enjoy
Friday, January 21, 2011
JAVA 4-EVER - Official Trailer

One of the best fan made video in a long time, and also I think it's the best Java based :P enjoy :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Weightless Space Cats - I Can Has Gravity?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Okay this #bug , is still here, and it gets more annoying by the "post" ... Yes ! I am referring to the double post in the time line ! #amplify PS: Fun fact, the auto-correct wanted to replace referring with suffering :) Auto-correct Win !
Why do we fear the Artificial Intelligence ?

Well, this is a very good question indeed... why do so many people fear the future ? I mean okay, the terminator it`s a point of view but still, this is not the case. I highly doubt that some day, the computers/AI/ Artificial Intelligence will make a riot and kill everybody around here. And even if they would do that they would probably have a very good cause to do that. Why ? Well take a big look around us, humans destroy almost every place they go to...
Okay, enough with the sarcasm, the point actually is that, even if we like it or not, the artificial intelligence is evolving, from the old simple yet reliable percetrons to the breath taking neuronal networks today and constant self-changing algorithms, for exemple take this article about the IBM`s Watson super computer ...
Then, as opposed to finding the single correct answer to a question, the contestant needs to figure out every possible question that could have the answer, then decide which is most likely to be the one the quiz setters were thinking of. That requires a combination of reasoning, judgment, and considering several ideas near-simultaneously, a set of skills to which humans are better suited.
That’s the theory at least, but IBM believes its machine Watson (as in Thomas, the IBM founder) could compete with the best. As a result, the computer is taking on Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, two of the all time greats at playing the show.
The rules of the challenge say that Watson can only work from data stored on the machine: it’s not allowed to network with other computers or access the Internet. That said, Watson does take up the equivalent space of 10 refrigerators: for practical reasons it’s represented at the podium by a flat-screen monitor. It’s been set up to analyze possible answers and rank their likelihood, only buzzing in if it has an answer with a set level of certainty.
In preparation for the contest, Watson has played more than 50 games against former champions, but this week’s test is the first time a result has been made public. The final score saw Jennings on $3,400, Rutter on $1,200 and Watson taking glory with $4,400.
Although there’s a million dollar prize at stake in the challenge, IBM will donate any winning to charity. It says the aim of developing Watson isn’t TV glory, but rather to have a practical way of coming up with a technology that reverses the usual question-answer format. For example, it could lead to computer systems that do a better job of diagnosing a medical condition from a list of symptoms, or performing a similar role in tech support. It’s also possible it could lead to search engines that are more able to understand natural language questions.
Well, makes you wonder... and yes it gives you a chill down the spine, but this is the future, and you have to get used to this type of things, because they are going to very frequent in the years that will come. But before you start to imagine droids and robots lurking around the city and killing every single human like in the "terminator" or like in this comic, this type of technology has a lot to offer...

Curiation, the new blogging … | Dat Dracu`

This seems to be the new big stuff, the new tasty hot potato. I noticed that a lot of services appeared all of a sudden to suit this segment of the “market” and get users on their side, but I`m wondering… If everybody starts to curate content from the web, really soon, there will not be much content left… I mean, I know content curation is very good, and an important part of social media, without it, a lot of great content would have passed unnoticed,but still, there should be some balance… I`m curating some content, but I`m also creating some as well, I mean, I find this very important in this whole internet content stuff.
The point is that, there should be a balance, not everybody has what it takes to curate info, like not everybody has what it takes to be a blogger or a journalist or … (this could go on and on and on …). Now to be frank, I have to admit that I started blogging about I started curating stuff on the net, at the begging it was all about sharing funny and interesting content I found on the web with friends, but in time I started to express my opinions and felt the need to blog, to express my thoughts and opinions on several domains, apart from the opinions that I express when curating information (something that I really think it’s a must!).
In the end, I think this new content curation tools are welcomed, a good thing for people that know what they are doing, the bad part though is that at least for me, to do only do content creation, makes me feel something like a mail man…
Well,it makes you think a bit ...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Why you should share the source along with the article

Well, this kinda says it all, it is a great flow chart :D well done !
But this type of infographic makes me think though, there are a lot of lame people that find interesting stuff on the internet, and copy-paste them as their own ... which is kinda sad ... If you like this, and share my point of view on this topic here is a little article I wrote about this type of idiots :
Enjoy :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Well, sadly I really think the answer is yes, and not any yes, a big, very big yes. Ironic Facebook is called a social network, and actually what it really does is drawing you away from the real life, and real daily activity to the cyber space social stuff.
In the past two years Facebook has changed a lot, from a simple "facebook" it stated to draw people with various apps, and mostly games. And I say mostly games because a lot of people log on Facebook only for games...
After reading this infographic, maybe you will start to question yourself if you are also "obsessed" with Facebook...
Friday, January 14, 2011
To Post, Re-Post and Auto-Post

This is a good question, and is also a pretty big problem, just take a minute and give it a thought, there are to big problems regarding this chain-posting thing. I mean, I find it okay to use amplify or Posterous, get some content from a page and add you take/ opinion, about it, it is the auto-posting options that I`m worried about... Why do I say that ? Well here are my humble opinions :
1. From the ecologic point of view
You might think I`m nuts, "the post has like 20 k" that is not much, but think about 20 posts of 20k a day, made by let's say something la 20.000 people ... now, multiply this with 300 days (because people go on vacation too :P ) now this is a lot of space... space which is on the services servers, you don`t have to pay for it, but from the ecological point of view, those servers consume energy, lots and lots of energy. Now, here is where I wanted to get, now take this nice number ( something about let's say 2 gb of data) now think about auto-posting this to 5 other services ... it's something like that, and belive me, there are more than 20.000 people blogging on the internet which are posting post larger than 20k ...
2. The Clog
Well this is the part I hate the most, when I search Google for something and I get like 5 search results on 5 different pages, that have exacly the same content (text) isn't this wrong ? It slows you down, and like the article curated by @svartling yesterday ( ), we will have to skip directly to page 2 for real and quality content... which is kinda sad ... and wrong ...
So, after I realized this thing, and publish this on all the platforms I use, I will drastically reduce my auto-posting to just links (close to a tweet) and not use it at all...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Internet numbers for 2010

Well, the bad part is that most of it is spam, spam sites, fake sites, ad sistes, duplicate content, and a lot of bad stuff ... anyway enjoy some numbers
Amplify’d from
What happened with the Internet in 2010?
How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many, many more. If it’s stats you want, you’ve come to the right place.
Prepare for a good kind of information overload.
- 107 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2010.
- 294 billion – Average number of email messages per day.
- 1.88 billion – The number of email users worldwide.
- 480 million – New email users since the year before.
- 89.1% – The share of emails that were spam.
- 262 billion – The number of spam emails per day (assuming 89% are spam).
- 2.9 billion – The number of email accounts worldwide.
- 25% – Share of email accounts that are corporate.
- 255 million – The number of websites as of December 2010.
- 21.4 million – Added websites in 2010.
Web servers
- 39.1% – Growth in the number of Apache websites in 2010.
- 15.3% – Growth in the number of IIS websites in 2010.
- 4.1% – Growth in the number of nginx websites in 2010.
- 5.8% – Growth in the number of Google GWS websites in 2010.
- 55.7% – Growth in the number of Lighttpd websites in 2010.
Domain names
- 88.8 million – .COM domain names at the end of 2010.
- 13.2 million – .NET domain names at the end of 2010.
- 8.6 million – .ORG domain names at the end of 2010.
- 79.2 million – The number of country code top-level domains (e.g. .CN, .UK, .DE, etc.).
- 202 million – The number of domain names across all top-level domains (October 2010).
- 7% – The increase in domain names since the year before.
Internet users
- 1.97 billion – Internet users worldwide (June 2010).
- 14% – Increase in Internet users since the previous year.
- 825.1 million – Internet users in Asia.
- 475.1 million – Internet users in Europe.
- 266.2 million – Internet users in North America.
- 204.7 million – Internet users in Latin America / Caribbean.
- 110.9 million – Internet users in Africa.
- 63.2 million – Internet users in the Middle East.
- 21.3 million – Internet users in Oceania / Australia.
Social media
- 152 million – The number of blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).
- 25 billion – Number of sent tweets on Twitter in 2010
- 100 million – New accounts added on Twitter in 2010
- 175 million – People on Twitter as of September 2010
- 7.7 million – People following @ladygaga (Lady Gaga, Twitter’s most followed user).
- 600 million – People on Facebook at the end of 2010.
- 250 million – New people on Facebook in 2010.
- 30 billion – Pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) shared on Facebook per month.
- 70% – Share of Facebook’s user base located outside the United States.
- 20 million – The number of Facebook apps installed each day.
Web browsers
- 2 billion – The number of videos watched per day on YouTube.
- 35 – Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.
- 186 – The number of online videos the average Internet user watches in a month (USA).
- 84% – Share of Internet users that view videos online (USA).
- 14% – Share of Internet users that have uploaded videos online (USA).
- 2+ billion – The number of videos watched per month on Facebook.
- 20 million – Videos uploaded to Facebook per month.
Read more at royal.pingdom.comImages
- 5 billion – Photos hosted by Flickr (September 2010).
- 3000+ – Photos uploaded per minute to Flickr.
- 130 million – At the above rate, the number of photos uploaded per month to Flickr.
- 3+ billion – Photos uploaded per month to Facebook.
- 36 billion – At the current rate, the number of photos uploaded to Facebook per year.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Why does your job makes you fat !

Now this is some good and useful information, enjoy it with some chips and sodaAmplify’d from
If you're feeling burnt out and overworked lately and you find you're gaining weight, research suggests that there's a connection between your fatigue and your desire to eat poorly.
Courtney Hutchinson, over at Psychology Today, discusses the connections between your circadian rhythm and diet issues. Currently many are stuck in crappy jobs and feel overworked. That lack of sleep can cause a whole bunch of problems, but it can also significantly impair your ability to avoid unhealthy snacking:
We definitely snack more when we're sleepy. A University of Chicago study found that after two weeks of sleep restriction, normally healthy eaters ate an average of 200 more calories a day, all in snacks. These munchies were often high in carbohydrate content and were usually consumed between 7p.m. and 7a.m.-the worst time, waistband-wise, for needless eating.
It's not just sleep deprivation that causes the problem, however. Overtaxing the brain is a cause as well, so when you're working too hard and not sleeping enough, you're pretty much asking for unwanted weight gain. While habits can be hard to change—especially when it comes to your diet—if you make a concentrated effort to get more sleep you may find that you'll have less trouble curbing your desire to snack as well.Read more at
The Evolution of handwriting nowadays ...

The simple truth ...
Amplify’d from
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A banned UK commercial for a Romanian (half-French) car

I wonder, should I amuse my self or should I somehow be offended by this type of advertisement of the "Romanian" way to bargain ? I mean for real know, by any means, I know what capitalism is, and the economic crises is also still going on ( or at least they like to say that ... ) and they want to shock and get as much attention as possible but still, there are some lines that should not be crossed ... Anyway it is kinda sad to see this type of advertising for a Romanian product. I mean the commercial is funny, but catch phrase at the and is very rude and mean ... Guess that is the reason why it has been banned anyway... but still ... disappointed, was expecting a bit more from the brits...
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Magic Mouse, Microsoft Edition

Well, I have to admit that I`m not surprised at all... Now I`m curious to see the Logitech edition of the Magic Mouse ...
Amplify’d from
Microsoft Touch Mouse unveiled, available for $80 in June
No, that's not Microsoft's Arc Touch mouse, it's just the Touch Mouse. Confusing, we know, but this one is more than just a mouse with a touch strip -- the entire top of it consists of a "matrix of capacitive touch-sensing electrodes," and naturally, it supports different multittouch gestures. Based on Microsoft Research concepts, the device will support a slew of gestures, including flicks, pinch-to-zoom, and panning. That all is best seen in the video below, but the sleek black mouse also packs Microsoft's BlueTrack technology, so it should work on carpets, wood, etc. Like most other 2.4GHz mice out there it has a small USB receiver -- sorry, no Bluetooth here. Undoubtedly, it looks pretty sexy, but according to the press release after the break it won't be available until June for $79.95. Updated: Microsoft has launched its Touch Mouse landing page and the mouse is up for pre-order now at Amazon. We'd wait for our hands-on impressions before pulling out the plastic, but that's just us. Update 2: We're back again. The Windows Team Blog has some more information on the gestures. We also stole a few of their pictures and put them in the gallery below.
A Mystery: Why Can't We Walk Straight?

I am absolutely sure now you will try to go and talk a walk with your eyes closed, well ... Good luck !
Can’t Get Enough Of Angry Birds? Here’s The Angry Birds Toy Set !

This is just incredible, or better said unbelievable, I mean really ...
But on the other hand, I would surely buy this :)
Lucky for me they don't sheep it here ...
Monday, January 10, 2011
Eight Facts About Warming Up Your Car in Winter

Here are some quick facts and tips that should put the idling question to rest:
1. Driving warms the car faster than idling
If your concern is not the health of the car, but simply your own creature comforts, Bob Aldrich of the California Energy Commission points out that "idling is not actually an effective way to warm up a car — it warms up faster if you just drive it."
The coming electric cars, such as the Nissan Leaf, will incorporate a wonderful feature that allows the owner to use a cellphone to tell the car (which is plugged into the grid) to pre-warm or pre-cool the interior. No idling necessary.
2. Ten seconds is all you need
Environmental Defense Fund, which produced the Idling Gets You Nowhere campaign, advises motorists to turn off their ignition if they're sitting stopped for more than 10 seconds.
"After about 10 seconds, you waste more money running the engine than restarting it, said Andy Darrell, deputy director of the EDF Energy Program. "Switch the car off at the curb, and you'll be leaving money in your wallet and protecting the air in your community."
3. Idling hurts the car
According to the Hinkle Charitable Foundation's Anti-Idling Primer, idling forces an engine "to operate in a very inefficient and gasoline-rich mode that, over time, can degrade the engine's performance and reduce mileage."
The Campaign for an Idle-Free New York City points out that idling causes carbon residues to build up inside the engine, which reduces its efficiency.
[ Related: Five secrets to make your car last longer and save you money. ]
4. Idling costs money
Over a year of five minutes of daily idling (which causes incomplete combustion of fuel), the "Anti-Idling Primer" estimates that the operator of a V8-engine car will waste 20 gallons of gasoline, which not only produces 440 pounds of carbon dioxide but costs at least $60.
5. Idling in the garage can kill you
Idling a car in a garage, even with the door open, is dangerous and exposes the driver to carbon monoxide and other noxious gases. If the garage is attached, those fumes can also enter the house.
[ Related: Six surprising sources of indoor air pollution. ]
6. Block heaters beat remote starters
Lori Strothard of the Waterloo Citizens Vehicle Idling Reduction Task Force in Canada says, "Remote starters can too easily cause people to warm up their cars for 5 to 15 minutes, which is generally unnecessary."
A block heater, which is designed to heat the engine and can cost under $30, on a timer set to start one to two hours before driving, does the trick in very cold climates.
7. Quick errands aren't quick enough
Natural Resources Canada points out that leaving your car idling while you're running into a store on an errand or going back into the house to pick up a forgotten item is another way to waste gas and pollute both your town and the planet.
"Leaving your engine running is hard on your pocketbook, produces greenhouse gas emissions, and is an invitation to car thieves," the agency (PDF) says.
8. Idling is bad for your health (and your neighbor's health)
According to Minneapolis' anti-idling ordinance, "Exhaust is hazardous to human health, especially children's; studies have linked air pollution to increased rates of cancer, heart and lung disease, asthma and allergies."
Good to know ...
The Experiment (Internet Explorer )

So, after seeing that a lot of people still use the "Internet Explorer" as the main web browser, I am planing to do a little experiment. Starting today, I plan using this whole week the Internet Explorer. I know, I`m in for a lot of pain, but I just want to get a taste of it. I mean is it really that bad ? I keep you posted about the problems that I (surrely) will run in. For starters, I allready miss the the spell checker option of the Google Chrome ...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Why is #android for free ?

This is a great article about the Google business model, and I suggest you take your time and read it, the whole article...
And after maybe come back with an opinion, because I find this quite interesting and close to the truth, and on the other hand it kinda gives me the creeps...
Android Isn’t About Building a Mobile Platform
Android’s Business Strategy
This helps explain Google’s motivation for Android. Google could, of course, just extend their search advertising to mobile phones, Adsense for mobile devices and build mobile versions of their web applications so anyone can use them. That might make for a fine business, but it’d also be a rather weak position to be in compared to where Google is now. Phone makers could change the default search engine on their phones to something other than Google; mobile devices might change how people find information—they might switch away entirely from using a search engine, and in that case, Google would be dead in the water; or, worse, perhaps mobile devices could move people away from using advertising-supported web applications, and toward primarily using paid-for applications; in that case, Google would really be screwed.
Android isn’t an attempt to build the best mobile platform and sell it on its merits; it’s a play to control the vast majority of the mobile market, secure eyeballs for Google advertising and eliminate any threat to Google.
Read more at www.tightwind.netThat’s Google’s business, that’s Google’s strategy. Next week I’ll consider what Apple should do.

Thing this would be a good name for an ready build #twitter coffee maker, have to admit this seems to be pretty appealing, but really now, just can't stop to amaze my self about the fact that some people have to much spare time ... on the other hand it is nice that they take the time to create such interesting stuff and offer us the know how`s and how to`s to replicate their #inventions
If a timed coffee pot just doesn't fit your hectic, unscheduled lifestyle, you can make your coffee pot turn on and off with just a simple tweet, so the coffee's ready for you when you get home.
This project is based around an Arduino, but it's actually one of the simplest Arduino hacks around—so it's great if you've been wanting to get started with these types of hacks but haven't gotten around to it. For this particular setup, you'll also need a computer near your coffee pot (though with a slightly more expensive Arduino you could hook your coffee pot directly up to Ethernet).
Read more at lifehacker.comThe scripts necessary are all downloadable from the Instructable too, so you probably won't need to fiddle with a lot of code. And, if you're not a coffee drinker, you can actually apply this hack to pretty much any AC device—so your imagination's the limit. Check out the video to see it in action, and hit the link for the full instructions.