Monday, January 24, 2011

Another iPhone worm - and this time it's malicious


So, if you have a #jailbroken #iPhone, you should go read the whole article...

Amplify’d from

Another iPhone worm - and this time it's malicious

I had guessed we would see a dangerous incarnation of worm for the iPhone within a week of the 5 Euro scam that Graham blogged about on November 3rd. Fortunately my predictions were wrong, and we made it almost 3 weeks before someone succumbed to the temptation to take advantage of the vulnerability in jailbroken iPhones.

This worm, like the others, only attacks jailbroken iPhone and iPod Touch devices. There are some significant differences from the 5 Euro scam, the most notable of which is that this worm uses command-and-control like a traditional PC botnet. It configures two startup scripts, one to execute the worm on boot-up, and the other to create a connection to a Lithuanian server (HTTP) to upload stolen data and cede control to the bot master.



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