Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Curiation, the new blogging … | Dat Dracu`


This seems to be the new big stuff, the new tasty hot potato. I noticed that a lot of services appeared all of a sudden to suit this segment of the “market” and get users on their side, but I`m wondering… If everybody starts to curate content from the web, really soon, there will not be much content left… I mean, I know content curation is very good, and an important part of social media, without it, a lot of great content would have passed unnoticed,but still, there should be some balance… I`m curating some content, but I`m also creating some as well, I mean, I find this very important in this whole internet content stuff.

The point is that, there should be a balance, not everybody has what it takes to curate info, like not everybody has what it takes to be a blogger or a journalist or … (this could go on and on and on …). Now to be frank, I have to admit that I started blogging about I started curating stuff on the net, at the begging it was all about sharing funny and interesting content I found on the web with friends, but in time I started to express my opinions and felt the need to blog, to express my thoughts and opinions on several domains, apart from the opinions that I express when curating information (something that I really think it’s a must!).

In the end, I think this new content curation tools are welcomed, a good thing for people that know what they are doing, the bad part though is that at least for me, to do only do content creation, makes me feel something like a mail man

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Well,it makes you think a bit ...


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